Setting Targets

At Traill International School we set targets for students but also expect students to set their own targets. We use the SMART system of targets by using goals students should aim to reach in order to move on to the next stage.
Our targets are:
S – specific: ensuring that students know exactly what they are aiming for
M - measurable: there should be a way of working out whether children have achieved them or not
A – attainable: there should be a reasonable expectation that a target can be met with a certain amount of effort.
R – realistic: targets should always be set within achievable limits
T – timely and trackable: every student should know how long they have to meet the target and be able to see what more they have to do to meet it
Target setting is helpful for everyone as we can quickly identify any specific problem that an individual student or group is experiencing and put in measures to rectify it.
As a Parent you can help by knowing:
the targets your child is expected to reach;
when he or she is expected to reach them;
how you can help him or her reach them.
You can log onto the ParentPortal at any time, or via our smartphone app (Apple and Android), to check the progress of your child in real-time.
If you have any queries regarding targets that are set for your child, please do not hesitate to speak to his/her form tutor.