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Primary School

Primary Curriculum

One of our aims is to make sure that Primary School is a safe and wonderful place where children want to be and where learning takes place both in and out of the classroom. Through a mixture of exploration, discovery, creativity and a variety of sensory and kinaesthetic experiences, our Primary students have the best start possible to their educational journey. 


We follow an integrated education programme incorporating the British Curriculum standards for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 as well as the Rising Stars Assessment Progress Tests.  Literacy and numeracy lessons are planned using the latest educational frameworks. 

Traill International School | British curriculum international school in Bangkok, Thailand
Traill International School | British curriculum international school in Bangkok, Thailand


Attainment is our highest priority. Our teachers plan their lessons rigorously with focused learning objectives which may be either skills or knowledge based. Lessons are planned to accommodate individual learning abilities and prior learning. Teachers work with the children individually to set targets for development so that they will always be aware of the next steps in their learning.   Once the targets are set, our teachers and teaching assistants support the children in working towards them.



Experience has taught us that happy children become successful, confident children. This is partly achieved by the nurturing support which is provided by our teachers and teaching assistants, but equally important is the partnership between parents and the school. Parents are warmly welcomed to participate in celebration assemblies, sports days, the parent and teacher association (PATT), open days and parent workshops. They are also welcome to speak to staff about any issues.



The progress your child makes is closely monitored  throughout the academic year using the Rising Stars Progress Tests as well as Key Stage performance indicators. This gives a clear picture of the progress your child is making.


We offer specialist teaching wherever possible, including in PE, Mandarin, Japanese, French and Thai Language and Culture. We also offer an extensive program of extracurricular activities including Taekwondo, Muay Thai, jewellery design, hip-hop and jazz dance, football, drama, badminton, table tennis, golf, chess, basketball, international cookery and swimming.


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 builds upon the experiences of the Kindergarten Foundation Stage. Learning continues to be meaningful, stimulating and fun, and with the use of our integrated educational plan, your child begins to study the subjects which will form the basis of their academic learning.  At Key Stage 1 your child will study English, mathematics, science, computing, history, geography, art and design, music, physical education and design & technology. 

Traill International School | British curriculum international school in Bangkok, Thailand

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 the children become more independent in the ways that they organise themselves and start to take more control of their own learning. They continue to learn all the subjects from Key Stage 1, but in addition they begin Intercultural Studies, taking in the cultural aspects of Japanese, Mandarin & French.  This is a practical, multi-field discipline reflecting our international school status and promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Traill International School | British curriculum international school in Bangkok, Thailand
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